This is a simplified abstract tactical strategy simulation game inspired by PAX Britannica.
You control one shipyard (Me) while the computer controls two other opponents: Bot-B and Bot-C.
Each player gains +1 resource every round.
Your goal is to destroy the shipyard of the opponents.
You can select the default ship type to build continuously or you can tell your shipyard to temporarily stop and gather resources.
You can select "Resume automatic stepping" for real time live action so you don't have to click to progress every round.
You can switch the user interface to expert mode offering form input catering to keyboard users.
Type 6 and press enter to switch back to clickable links.
- Scout: costs 2, damages: 1/2 bomber, 1/4 scout, 1/8 shipyard
- Bomber: costs 4, damages: 1/2 defender, 1/4 bomber, 1/4 shipyard
- Defender: costs 8, damages: 1/2 scout, 1/4 defender, 1/2 shipyard
You can install a web browser that supports at least JavaScript 1.0 (1995) to play this game or you may consider implementing a GemiWeb0 browser with JavaScript0 yourself according to the following specification: